Headquarters (208) 286-7772
Headquarters (208) 286-7772
The Middleton Rural Fire District (MRFD) was established in the 1950s to provide fire protection and emergency medical services (EMS) to a rural area with few residents. Like most of Idaho, the District has experienced significant growth.
Today, the District serves more than 28,000 residents. Since 2018, the District’s population increased by 25%. Also during this five-year span, more than 2,000 structures have been constructed.
Station 53, located in the downtown area, houses fire and EMS personnel to serve MRFD’s 110-square mile service area.
In an effort to maximize resources, in 2019 a collaborative partnership began between MRFD and SFPD and we entered into an agreement to share administrative leadership positions. Since then, the partnership has evolved and the two Districts now share a Fire Chief, District Administrator and administrative support staff, as well as Deputy and Battalion Chiefs that lead and oversee daily operations of both Districts that has become known as MidStar Fire. This partnership has resulted in significant cost savings per year for each District, allowing for more “boots on the ground” to respond to calls and protect our Communities 24/7!
Facilities to house fire protection/EMS personnel and apparatus have not increased since 2002. In an effort to address facility needs, the District implemented development impact fees on new residential and commercial construction in order to fund future facilities.
Using development impact fees, MRFD plans to refurbish an existing, centrally located, building within the District. This unique opportunity provides for future Station 54, located on Harvey Rd., to better serve the District’s large service area. Development impact fees are sufficient to fund this renovation project.
Once complete and fully staffed, Station 54 will reduce response times throughout the District and will reduce service demand on Station 53 in downtown which currently covers the entire 110-square-mile service area.
While state statutes allow fire districts to implement development impact fees to fund facilities, these funds cannot be used to fund personnel or other annual operational costs.
In 2020, the Idaho Legislature passed HB 389 which caps the District’s ability to grow its annual budget. With the incredible growth MRFD has experienced, coupled with the inability to grow annual operating budgets commensurately, the District is unable to grow in tandem with the community.
In addition, inflationary cost increases have impacted annual expenses for the District. According to a January 2024 survey of Idaho fire departments, A Type 1 fire engine purchased in 2020 for $600,000 now costs $1,100,000. Firefighter protective gear and equipment that was $33,800, now runs $40,900.
MRFD's annual operating budget is funded primarily by property taxes. With the State-mandated budget growth limitations in place, the District’s annual operating costs are outpacing current budget authority.
The District is exploring a permanent levy override that would provide annual funding for fire protection/EMS services personnel as well as adequate and up-to-date apparatus to respond to emergency needs in our District. A permanent levy override must be approved by 66.7 percent of voters.
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