Headquarters (208) 286-7772
Headquarters (208) 286-7772
Thank you for visiting the MidStar Fire webpage. The members of our Districts recognize our responsibility to ensure the safety of residents throughout our Communities. We consider public service a privilege and value the trust we are given by those we serve, we are dedicated to delivering emergency services through professionalism and excellence.
The Middleton and Star Districts continue to utilize innovative methods to meet our operational goals and overcome financial challenges inherent due to legislative changes, while in the fastest growing region in the State. Over the past several years, the Districts have built partnerships with neighboring departments to collaborate on training needs and standardize operational practices. We continue to build on these partnerships with a team approach that improves services across the region and maximizes resources, resulting in quality public safety services while saving the taxpayer’s money.
I believe our greatest asset is our team of dedicated employees who consistently go the extra mile in delivering vital emergency services. Our goal is to carry out our mission and provide a safer place for our citizens to live and work through our commitment to Fire Suppression, Emergency Medical Services, Fire Prevention, and Emergency Planning.
I encourage you to browse through our web page to learn more about our Fire Districts.
Fire Chief Greg Timinsky
Greg Timinsky, Fire Chief
Copyright © 2023 Middleton Star Fire Districts - All Rights Reserved.